
+DisplayeventsandremindersintheNotificationCenter.+Week/Monthview.+Navigateprev/nextmonth.Tap1stdayofnextmonthorlastdayofprevmonth.,Viewalistofevents:InMonthview,taptheListbuttontoseetheday'sevents.(TaptheListbuttonagaintoreturntoMonthview.)SeealsoSearch ...,AddtheCalendarwidgettoTodayView.OnyouriPhoneoriPad,swiperightonthehomescreenuntilyoufindalistofwidgets.Scrolltothebottomandtap ...,2024年...


+Display events and reminders in the Notification Center. +Week/Month view. +Navigate prev/next month. Tap 1st day of next month or last day of prev month.

Change how you view events in Calendar on iPhone

View a list of events: In Month view, tap the List button to see the day's events. (Tap the List button again to return to Month view.) See alsoSearch ...

Add Google Calendar to your home screen

Add the Calendar widget to Today View. On your iPhone or iPad, swipe right on the home screen until you find a list of widgets. Scroll to the bottom and tap ...

How to use Widgets (iOS)

2024年1月30日 — Tap the selected widget to Display only my schedule. ... Select TimeTree, choose from three widget sizes, Daily/Weekly/Month View, then tap Add ...

Is there an app in IOS 15 which has a calendar widget like ...

2021年10月16日 — WidgetCal (app link here) has a full month widget that includes events. It's the only one I've found that's remotely similar to the calendar ...

Any iOS with fullscreen “month” callendar widget available?

2023年2月10日 — They're requesting a widget which calendars 5 does not offer with full month view including events. There is a widget showing all the days, but ...

The 6 best calendar apps for iPhone in 2024

2024年3月1日 — Choose from six widget options for a bird's-eye view ... One of my favorite features is the heatmap included in the month view (find this by ...